The following is written in the Prose poem style and will be diplayed in the art gallery at South Seattle Community College. The picture below will not be included with the poem, but another students art will.
It is titled "Society for Little Green Things"

Scientists determined that these leaves are from the Three-trunked Archipelago Tree, a leaf from each trunk. These are not real, of course, ethereal rice paper recreated. The real leaves locked away filed with twentieth century relics. Many come to view the Society’s endless wonders, including origami money shaped boots, rings, elephants and camels. Green army men, melted into somber forms tease little boys who wish they could have burned plastic relics. These same boys urge parents to buy Society decoder rings and badges in the gift shop on the way out. Their minds filled with Frigiddy frogs, Jaded emeralds, Emerald-jade, Skeleton-key-limes, and Petrified seaweed. Rings decode messages about green Digital Stick Insects, Tiger Beetles and Mozart Crickets, urging young ones to tune in on the Society music hour playing George Baker’s “Little Green Bag” and Joni Mitchell’s “Little Green” album. Tucked in to Society sheets, they dream in chlorophyll colored Three-trunked Archipelago Tree worlds where life is rich with a little green spirit.
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